Feeling lost does not mean you cannot be found, the question is;
Do you want to be found?


What is Integrated Counselling

Integrating counselling integrates different modalities of counselling, for example person-centred, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), psychodynamic, existentialist, etc., to create a model of counselling that is adapted for each client. It is recognised that one size does not fit all and therefore an integrative approach is taken.

How I work

I work as an professionally experienced Integrative Counsellor and therapist with a private practice in the Abington area of Northampton.

I use different modalities/approaches when working with clients to individualise the therapy to meet the clients needs. The different modalities include psychodynamic, person-centred, CBT and Gestalt. These modalities have different schools of thought, psychodynamic examines the early life and attempts to uncover the truth behind unconscious ingrained feelings and thoughts and brings them to the consciousness in order to process them. This uses the therapists interpretations from what the client has presented. CBT encourages clients to exmaine how they think and the impact this has on how they feel and behave and attempts to change patterns of thought that are not benefitting their life. Person-centred examines how you perceive yourself at this moment in time as opposed to me as the counsellor interpreting your unconscious perceptions. Gestalt examines what is currently happening with the clients thoughts and aims to highlight self-awareness and insights, as these are considered integral to personal growth.

Sometimes if I feel it is appropriate I may carry out a Gestalt Guided Visualisation, which takes a deeper look inside your unconscious thoughts. However, this therapy is not always necessary and can take up to two hours, after which hydration and a sugary snack is recommended. This therapy will always be discussed beforehand if it is felt necessary.

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